We wish our dream home to be bigger and safer. Taking from morning to night if we think total how many persons visit our home from the main gate? i.e. our family members, guests, service providers, servants etc. This count can be quite big like we have to keep a reception desk to control our main door. And each time door is operated, security is at stake!!
We have 4 Family members at our home. And our experience says that such family size total door occurrences are about 22 times per day.
What if someone works as a Receptionist and also keeps watch on Door!!
Digital Lock
Video Door Phone
Major Benefits:
- As a visitor presses the bell, the Video Door Phone screen starts (say in the kitchen, living, or bedroom). We can watch & talk to a visitor from there. We can also use remote control for this purpose. It simplifies the visitor management.
- We can also talk to visitors by Voice Changer for better safety.
- If we use Digital Lock, we can control our door through keys, and also by a numeric password. We can also give fingerprint access to authenticated persons.
- If someone tries to force open the lock, it will start the siren and give us an alert.
- We can also unlock the digital lock from VDP Screen or VDP Remote.
These type of functionalities are being used worldwide and also recommended by followings:
“video door phones & digital locks prove to be an economical as well as a reliable proposition as compared to hiring a security guard.”